
領域專長之專任教授一名,起聘日期2011年8月1日。應徵者須具備下列條件:一、職級:教授。二、專長:日本文化(跨日本歷史、思想、宗教等領域之研究及教學,且能教授日語會話、日文作文、日本戲劇課程者)三、資格:a. 63歲以下。 b.具專任教授資格五年以上。 c.學術著作(專書)三冊(含三年內代表著作一冊)以上。 d.具跨國整合型研究計畫主持人之經驗。應徵者請備妥下列資料:一、履歷表。二、博士學位證書(影本,若持外國學歷者,需檢附本國駐外單位簽證之文件)。三、3年內代表著作及五年內參考著作各一式三份。(代表著作須為在國內外知名 學術或專業刊物發表或已被接受且出具證明將定期發表或經出版公開發行者)並請就上述2008年3月(含)以後刊行之著作中指定一件為送審代表著作。於2011年3月15日前寄達:10617臺北市羅斯福路4段1號,國立臺灣大學日本語文學系,教師評審委員會收。聯絡電話: (02)3366-2789,傳真: (02)2362-1874。電子郵件: japanese@ntu.edu.tw。本系網頁:http://www.japan.ntu.edu.tw/。

National Taiwan UniversityDepartment of Foreign Languages and LiteraturesJob Announcement

The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures of National Taiwan University announces two adjunct positions in English. Initial appointment will begin on August 1, 2011.

Minimum Qualifications: native-level speaker with at least an MA in English, TESOL, or related fields plus two years of university teaching experience. Experience teaching non-native speakers preferred. At least one academic publication (including MA or PhD thesis) published after July 2008.Teaching Load: at least 9 hours of basic language courses (Freshman English, Writing, Conversation, Oral Training and Lab) per week. Salary and Rank: adjunct faculty members are paid by the hour at NT$630 (approximately US$21 at the current exchange rate of 32.4 to 1) per hour for Assistant Professors and NT$575 (US$19) for Lecturers (subject to 18% income tax for the first 6 paychecks if you hold a foreign passport and are new to Taiwan). This position does not provide housing, insurance plan, or other benefits.Application Deadline: March 1, 2011.How to Apply: applicants should email the completed application form (available at http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw) with a curriculum vitae, and a publication list (including MA thesis and PhD dissertation if applicable) to wenlin@ntu.edu.tw by March 1, 2011. Final Process: Short-listed candidates will be asked to submit by mail the following to Professor Yanwing Leung, Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, 1 Roosevelt Rd., Sec. 4, Taipei 106, Taiwan: -three hard copies of each academic publication listed in the application form- proof of advanced degree- a transcript from the highest academic institution attended- sample syllabuses for Freshman English, English Composition, or other English language courses- two letters of recommendation- proof of past/current employment- a photocopy of R.O.C. ID (both sides) (for aliens, a photocopy of your passport) Job Interview: Finalists will be interviewed in Taipei.We apologize for not being able to return application materials. Please direct all inquiries to Ms. Wen-lin Hsueh: Phone: 886-2-33663210, Email: wenlin@ntu.edu.tw. Information about the Department is available at: http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw. National Taiwan University is a non-discriminatory institution