
工學院、生物資源暨農學院附設水工試驗所誠徵校務基金進用研究人員(研究員、副研究員、助理研究員) 1~2名。具博士學歷,有發展學術研究及建教合作計畫能力。專長:水理、水資源、環境水利或水利相關防災工程。工作項目:從事本所研究推廣工作等事宜、執行研究計畫。意者請檢附:一、中(英)文詳歷(個人資料、學術榮譽、專利及其他研究成果等)。二、身分證正反面影本。三、畢業證書影本。持國外學歷者,附向原就讀學校查證往來信函二件(去函影本一件,回函正本一件)。四、經歷證明文件。五、通過核准之計畫書或經費來源證明。六、兩位推薦人之姓名現職與聯絡方式。七、近三年內代表著作(不超過三篇)及五年內參考著作。八、代表作合著人證明正本。以上資料於99年4月15日前將資料寄至台北市羅斯福路4段1號臺灣大學水工試驗所行政室項惠英小姐收,聯絡電話:02-33662602(以郵戳為憑逾時不候)並請於信封上註明擬應徵職缺及白天聯絡電話,合者面談,不合者恕不退件及函復。校務基金進用研究人員之權利與義務,請詳見網址:http://host.cc.ntu.edu.tw/sec/All_Law/5/5-125.pdf。


本校中國文學系徵聘大一國文專案約聘兼任教師若干名。有關應徵資格、擔任課程、應徵資料等說明,請參看中文系網頁http://www.cl.ntu.edu.tw/main.php。截止日期:公元2011年5月10日以前(以郵戳為憑),以掛號寄達(106)臺大中文系辦公室(封面務請註明應徵者姓名及應徵中文系兼任教師字樣)。逾期不予受理。中文系聯絡電話:(02)33664001 傳真:(02)23635647 Email:chinlit@ntu.edu.tw。

National Taiwan University Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Job Announcement. The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures of National Taiwan University announces one (1) adjunct position in English. Initial appointment will begin on August 1, 2011 or February 1, 2012. Minimum Qualifications: native-level speaker with an MA in English, Translation, TESOL, or related fields plus two years of university teaching experience. Experience teaching non-native speakers preferred. Appointment will be made on one of the following tracks: 1. Adjunct English (Track 1): require at least one academic writing sample (including MA or PhD thesis) published after October 2008. 2. Adjunct translation specialist (Track 2): require a minimum of 6 years of translation/interpretation experience. Teaching Load: a minimum of 9 hours of basic language courses per week, including but not limited to Freshman English, Writing and Composition, Conversation, Oral Training, and Lab. Translation specialist teaches a minimum of ONE translation course and 2 basic language courses. Salary and Rank: adjunct faculty members are paid by the hour at NT$630 (approximately US$21 at the current exchange rate of 30 to 1) per hour for Assistant Professors and NT$575 (US$20) for Lecturers (subject to 18% income tax for the first 6 paychecks if you hold a foreign passport and are new to Taiwan). This position does not provide housing, insurance plan, or other benefits. Application Deadline: May 18, 2011. How to Apply: applicants should email the completed application form (available at http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw) with a curriculum vitae, and a publication list (including MA thesis and PhD dissertation if applicable) to wenlin@ntu.edu.tw by May 18, 2011. Final Process: Short-listed candidates will be asked to submit by mail the following to Professor Yanwing Leung, Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, 1 Roosevelt Rd., Sec. 4, Taipei 106, Taiwan: - Track 1: three hard copies of each academic publication listed in the application form - Track 2: three hard copies of each translation/publication samples and proof of experience in translation/interpretation - proof of advanced degree - a transcript from the highest academic institution attended - sample syllabuses for Freshman English, English Composition, or other English language courses - two letters of recommendation - proof of past/current employment - a photocopy of R.O.C. ID (both sides) (for aliens, a photocopy of your passport) Job Interview: Finalists will be interviewed in Taipei. We apologize for not being able to return application materials. Please direct all inquiries to Ms. Wen-lin Hsueh: Phone: 886-2-33663210, Email: wenlin@ntu.edu.tw. Information about the Department is available at: http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw. National Taiwan University is a non-discriminatory institution.

腦與心智科學研究所誠徵助理教授級(含)以上教師。(一)職務:研究、教學、所務工作及研究生指導。(二)資格:具博士學位之醫師或研究人員,且具博士後研究經驗一年以上者。專長為神經生物、認知科學或相關臨床科學。具有跨領域研究經驗者尤佳。(三)檢具資料:(1) 個人履歷表、學經歷證件影本、五年內著作目錄、代表性著作1~3篇、未來之研究及教學計畫 (必須附上電子檔,寄至haigohwu@ntu.edu.tw);(2)三封推薦函;(3)請郵寄:台北市中正區100仁愛路一段一號國立臺灣大學醫學院 腦與心智科學研究所 新聘教師甄選委員會/胡海國主任委員。(四)截止收件日期:民國100年6月30日。(五)聯絡人:蕭慧莉小姐 聯絡電話:(02)2312-3456 ext 66785 傳真專線:(02)2375-3663 電子郵件:haigohwu@ntu.edu.tw。網址:http://www.mc.ntu.edu.tw/gibms/。