

●社會系6/19下午2:30-4:30於社會系館401會議室邀請林南(中研院院士、Duke University 社會系教授)主講:Linking Structure and Action: A Research Program on Social Capital。

●物理系6/6,2:10 pm.於Room 304邀請Prof.Kin-Wang Ng,Institute of Physics Academia Sinica 主講:Photon Production from Scalar Fields.

Theoretical Physics Seminar,Title: Chiral Symmetry, Quark Masses and Scaling of Overlap Fermions in Lattice QCD.Speaker: Prof. Kei-feh Liu, Department of Physics University of Kentucky,Date:June 7 (Thu.) 2001,Time:1:10 pm.Place: Room 304

講員:賴武炎教授(中國科學院)講題:Pseudo-Hall Effect in Spin-Valve Multilayers時間:6月7日地點:833

●全球變遷研究中心6/14,2:00pm.於中心二樓會議室,邀請中華大學綜合研究中心李永展研究員主講「國土規劃與生物多樣性保育」,請先報名,聯絡人李惠玲,校內分機2690轉115, E-Mail: LHL@gcc.ntu.edu.tw。