國際長期照護政策研討會 今天開幕


Conference on Long-Term Care Policy: Based on International Experiences

台灣社會因人口結構變遷已導致長期照護的需求與壓力日益增加,近年來政府、學術界與民間團體均陸續投入相關研究計畫及政策方案的推動。多項計畫發展迄今雖已展現若干顯著成果,但仍未清楚勾勒整體長期照護體系未來發展的藍圖,故政府實有必要持續結合國內外各方專業經驗,作為確立政策方向的基礎,以加快我國體系建構的腳步。本研討會將邀請來自美國、日本、澳洲及以色列的長期照護政策頂尖專家擔任講員,包括參與撰擬世界衛生組織(WHO)2003年出版品「Key Policy Issues in Long-Term Care」的Robert L. Kane、Dennis L. Kodner及 Jenny Brodsky教授、曾擔任美國政府要職的Robyn Stone博士等人,期能拓展國內長期照護界對相關議題的國際發展趨勢,並與國外專家建立互動網絡。時間:2004年1月7日(三),上午8時30至下午5時30分地點:國際福華文教會館前瞻廳(地址:台北市新生南路三段30號)主辦單位:行政院衛生署承辦單位:本校衛生政策與管理研究所本研討會全程以英文進行,聯絡人:本校衛生政策暨管理研究所葉乃禎小姐,電話:(02)2312-3456#8347。

會議內容:08:30-09:00 報到時間與活動內容講員職稱與單位講題8:30-09:00報到09:00-09:30 開幕式09:30-10:20專題演講Robert L. Kane(美國)Minnesota Chair in Long-Term Care and Aging, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota,Long-Term Care Lessons from the United States10:20-10:40 茶敘



Dennis L. Kodner

(美國.) Professor of Urban Public Health, Brookdale Center on Aging of Hunter College, The City University of New York Long-Term Care Integration in Four Northern European Countries Rosalie A. Kane

(美國.) Professor, Division of Health Services Research, Policy, and Administration, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota Developing Specialized h

Housing Arrangements for Long-Term Care 12:10-13:30 午餐


第二場 Jenny Brodsky

(以色列) Director, Research Program on Aging, JDC-Brookdale Institute Emerging Trends in the Development of Long-Term Care Services in Developing Countries

Naoki Ikegami

(日本) Professor and Chair, Dept. of Health Policy & Management, School of Medicine, Keio University Impacts of Public Long-Term Care Insurance in Japan 15:00-15:20 茶敘


第三場 Robyn I. Stone

(美國.) Executive Director, Institute for the Future of Aging Services Long-Term Care Workforce Development in the United Stated Anna L. Howe

(澳洲) Consultant Gerontologist, Australia and international Family Care Givers as Partners in Community Care 17:00-17:30

綜合座談暨閉幕式 報名須知:


聯絡人:台灣大學衛生政策暨管理研究所 葉乃禎小姐聯絡電話:(02)2312-3456#8347