應用力學研究所20週年所慶 7月9日舉辦「Mechanics in Nanotechnology」研討會歡慶

本校應用力學研究所為慶祝20週年所慶,將於7月9日於該所國際會議廳舉辦「Mechanics in Nanotechnology」研討會。會中除了邀請國外學人 Dr. Benjamin H. Wu (Deputy Under Secretary , U.S. Department of Commerce)、Professor Masayoshi Esashi( New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Japan)、Dr. Tien Tzou Tsong( Distinguished Research Fellow and Director of the Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)及Professor Chih-Ming Ho(Ben Rich-Lockheed Martin Professor and Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and concurrently Director of the Institute for Cell Mimetic Space Exploration, UCLA)專題講演外,該所教師亦將報告應力所新近研究主軸。