
課程名稱:嵌入式系統的自動化驗證Automated Verification of Embedded Systems課程日期:94年5月27日星期五(2:00pm~~5:00pm)下午1:30開始報到課程地點:國立台灣大學博理館114教室主講人:電機系王凡副教授

課程說明:Most companies now spend over half of their development budget in verification and testing. In the near future, only companies with capability to control its verification budget can survive in the acute competition. In this tutorial, we shall discuss the foundation of automated verification technology and how it could be used in the industry.

課程大綱:1.簡介2.正規系統規格語言3.理論基礎4.資料結構5.演算法6.自動搜尋錯誤的技術7.測試案例的自動產生技術8.model-based的驗證流程1. Introduction, 2. formal specification languages, 3. theory foundations, 4. data-structures, 5. algorithms, 6. procedures for automatically searching for bugs, 7. automatic test case generations, 8. model-based verification process



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