
昆蟲學系3月21日(二)上午11:10~~11:45在中非大樓104室,邀請Dr. Eddie Chio (Former Engineering Consultant,Eli Lilly and Company)主講:The discovery of Spinosads, a selective insecticide from fermentation。11:45~~12:20,邀請Dr. Raymon Yao (Former Research Advisor, Group Leader, Eli Lilly and Company)主講:The quest for novel therapeutic agents from microbial fermentation: A new paradigm in the search for a needle in the haystack。

3月24日(五)上午11:10~~12:00,邀請Yoshiomi Kato (Professor, Biology Department, International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo)主講:Reproductive manipulation of a host butterfly Eurema hecabe by its symbiotic bacterium Wolbachia。