台大食科所舉辦2006 促進健康之食品國際研討會

地點:國立台灣大學集思會議中心(台北市羅斯福路四段85 號B1)主辦單位:國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院食品科技研究所

November 13, 2006 (2006 年11月13日) Time Topic Speaker Moderator 8:30 – 9:00 Registration 9:00 – 9:10 Opening Remarks Dr. Si-Chen Lee(李嗣涔) (President of National Taiwan University)Dr. Been-Huang Chiang (蔣丙煌) (Dean of Academic Affairs, NTU)Dr. Bao-Ji Chen (陳保基) (Dean of College of Bioresources and Agriculture, NTU)Dr. Yuan-Kuang Guu(古源光)(President of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology) Dr. James Swi-Bea Wu (吳瑞碧) (Director of Graduate Institute of Food Science and Technology, NTU) Session: Food for well-being 9:10 – 9:50 Modulation of intestinal functions by food factors Dr. Makoto Shimizu (清水誠) (The University of Tokyo, Japan) Dr. Lucy Sun-Hwang(孫璐西) (Professor of the Graduate Institute of Food Science & Technology)9:50 – 10:10 Coffee Break10:10 – 10:50 New roles of soy phytochemicals in cancer prevention Dr. Keith W. Singletary (University of Illinois)10:50– 11:30 Production of value-added products from vegetable oils Dr. Ching T. Hou (侯景滄) ( ARS/U.S. Dept. of Agriculture)11:30 – 12:10 Folate and allyl sulfurs as modifiers of the cancer process Dr. Sharon Ross (Dept. of Health and Human Services, USA)p.m. Session: Nanotechnology for food application 13:30 – 14:10 Optical probe of surfactant adsorption on nano-particles Dr. An-Gong Yeh (葉安恭) (DuPont Co., USA) Dr. An-I Yeh (葉安義) (Professor of the Graduate Institute of Food Science & Technology)14:10 – 14:50 Probing nanostructures in food – a basis for rational enhancement of food quality Dr.Vic Morris (Institute of Food Research, UK)14:50 – 15:10 Coffee Break15:10 – 15:50 Probing and understanding structure formation and interactions in food colloidal systems - from nanotechnology to food materials Dr. Peter Schurtenberger (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) 15:50 – 16:30 Nanoparticles In Vivo: monitoring and biomedical applications Dr. Chung-Shi Yang(楊重熙) (National Health Research Institutes)16:30 – 17:00 General Discussion All speakers for the day

November 14, 2006 (2006 年11月14日) Time Topic Speaker Moderator a.m. Session: Introduction of market trend 9:00 – 9:40 Market trend for processed food in Taiwan Dr. Chung-Liang Chu(朱中亮) ( Food Industry Research and Development Institute) Dr. Chin-Kun Wang (王進崑) (Dean of Health Care and Management, Chung Shan Medical University)9:40 – 10:20 Market trend of health food Dr. Chin-Yin Tseng.(曾慶瀛) (National Chia-Yi University)10:20–10:40 Coffee Break10:40–11:20 Market trends and opportunities for dairy products Mei Yuh Chung (鍾美玉) (Wei Chuan Corp.)11:20–12:00 Trends in the beverage market for Taiwan and China Dr. Keh-Lien Chen (陳克廉) (Uni-President Enterprises Corp.)p.m. Session: Status of international specialty products 13:30–14:10 Functional food and nutraceutical products in the United States Dr. Chi Tang Ho(何其儻) (Rutgers University, USA) Dr. Wen-chang Chiang (江文章) (Professor of the Graduate Institute of Food Science & Technology)14:10–14:50 Immune modulation of macrophage functions by Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota Dr. Masanobu Nanno (Yakult Central Institute for Microbiological Research, Japan)14:50–15:10 Coffee Break15:10–15:50 Soy foods - the hit of Taiwan foods market in the next decade Elden An-Chih Cheng (成安知) ( Hua Shang Food Enterprise Co.)15:50–16:30 Status of Food Biotechnology in Taiwan Dr. Shann-Tzong Jiang(江善宗) (Providence University)16:30–17:00 General Discussion All speakers for the day

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