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Secretariat of NTU

Administrative Meeting

Introduction of the Administrative Meeting

Article 42 of the NTU Organizational Regulations stipulates that:

“Members that will attend the University’s Administrative Meeting include the President of the University, Executive Vice Presidents, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for General Affairs, Vice President for Research and Development, Vice President for International Affairs, Vice President for Financial Affairs, College Deans, Dean of the School of Professional Education and Continuing Studies, University Librarian, Secretary-General of the Secretariat, Director of the Personnel Department, Comptroller of the Accounting Department, and Director of the Computer and Information Networking Center. The President of the University will serve as the Chairperson of the Meeting, moderating discussions and passing resolutions on set items and other important administrative issues.

The President may appoint directors of other units, student-body representatives, or other relevant staff members to attend the Meeting as non-voting members if needs arise.” 

Meeting Time

Every other Tuesday at 3 PM 

Meeting Minutes

Approved minutes of the meeting should be collected, bound, and may be borrowed for viewing from the Secretariat or from the Main Library’s special archives department. Minutes of the meeting after September of 1994 (1,885th meeting and the reafter) are also available for viewing on this website.

Proposal Procedure

Proposals can be made via the head of the division. Upon approval of the President, the proposal shall be sent to Office of the Secretariat for collection, and included in the next meeting agenda. If there are attachments to the proposal, please make 8 copies (double sided) in A4 size, and submit the materials to the Office of the Secretariat for backup. 

Contact Person: Pei-Yu SUN,Tel: 33662032,E-mail: