人事室 | 教師評鑑準則 | Faculty Evaluation Guidelines |
人事室 | 借調 | temporary transfer |
人事室 | 鐘點費 | hourly lecture fee |
人事室 | 專業技術人員 | specialist |
人事室 | 名譽教授 | Professors Emeriti |
人事室 | 組織規程 | Organizational Charter |
人事室 | 當然委員 | ex-officio member |
人事室 | 教師評審委員會 | Faculty Evaluation Committee |
人事室 | 免評鑑 | faculty exempt from evaluation |
人事室 | 校務基金 | University Endowment Fund |
人事室 | 延攬及留住大專校院特殊優秀人才實施彈性薪資方案 | Flexible Salary Program for Recruiting and Retaining Exceptional Talents for Tertiary Educational Institutions |
人事室 | 校聘人員 | staff employee |
人事室 | 行政專員 | administrative specialist |
人事室 | 院士 | academician |
人事室 | (校)教評會 | (University/NTU) Faculty Evaluation Committee |
人事室 | 屆齡退休 | age-mandated retirement process |
人事室 | 帶職帶薪 | paid employment |
人事室 | 新聘特殊優秀人才獎勵金 | incentives for newly hired exceptional talent |
人事室 | 兼任(行政)主管職稱 | adjunct administrative title |
人事室 | 兼任行政主管 | adjunct administrator |
人事室 | 投保級距 | insured salary grade |
人事室 | 教師申訴評議委員會 | Faculty Member Grievances Committee |
人事室 | 國立大學校院校務基金管理及監督辦法 | Regulations Governing the Management and Supervision of National University Endowment Funds |
人事室 | 教師請假規則 | Faculty Member Leave Rules |
人事室 | 國際技術合作人員綜合保險 | Comprehensive Insurance for International Technical Cooperation Personnel |
人事室 | 各機關學校聘僱人員離職儲金給與辦法規定 (後更名為各機關學校聘僱人員離職給與辦法) | Regulations for Granting Benefits for Contract Employees of Administrative Agencies and Public Schools after Employment Contract Termination |
人事室 | 特聘講座設置要點 | Directives for Appointing Distinguished Chair Professors |
人事室 | 專科以上學校教師資格審定辦法 | Regulations Governing Accreditation of Teacher Qualifications at Junior Colleges and Institutions of Higher Education |
人事室 | (建教合作計畫的) 委補助單位 | funding institution |
人事室 | 計畫執行單位 | project execution unit |
人事室 | 違反送審教師資格規定及學術倫理案件處理要點 | Directives for Handling Violations of Faculty Accreditation Review Regulations and Academic Integrity |
人事室 | 公務人員退休資遣撫卹法 | Act Governing Retirement, Severance, and Bereavement Compensation for Public Servants |
人事室 | 公立學校教職員退休資遣撫卹條例 | Act Governing Retirement, Severance, and Bereavement Compensation for the Teaching and Other Staff Members of Public Schools |
人事室 | 特聘教授設置暨特聘加給給與實施要點 | Directives for Appointing Distinguished Professors and Implementing Their Differential Pay |
人事室 | 產學合作計畫 | industry-academia collaboration project (通用)/ industry sponsored project (研發處) |
人事室 | 營利事業 | for-profit organization |
人事室 | 科技人才 | science and technology personnel |
人事室 | 國立大學校務基金進用教學人員研究人員及工作人員實施原則 | NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Principles for Appointing Contract Faculty Members, Research Fellows, and Working Staff with National University Endowment Funds |
人事室 | 國立大專校院行政人力契僱化實施原則 | Implementation Rules for the Contractual Employment of Administrative Personnel at National Tertiary Educational Institutions |
人事室 | 單位自聘全職專任人員薪級表 | Salary Scale Table for Full-Time Employees Hired by Each Unit |
人事室 | 校聘人員職務序列表 | Table of Ranks for Contract Employees |
人事室 | 國立臺灣大學技術人員進用要點 | Directives for Hiring Technical Staff |
人事室 | 校聘人員工作規則 | Contract Employee Service Rules |
人事室 | 校聘人員薪級表 | Salary Scale Table for Contract Employees |
人事室 | 校聘人員特殊加給表 | Table of Special Additional Pay for Contract Employees |
人事室 | 自籌收入工作績效衡量要點 | Directives for the Performance Evaluation of Self-Raised Incomes |
人事室 | 自籌收入 | self-raised incomes |
人事室 | 校聘人員考核委員會 | Contract Employee Evaluation Committee |
人事室 | 考績委員會組織規程 | Organizational Regulations Governing the Performance Review Evaluation Committees |
人事室 | 職員獎懲要點 | Directives Governing Rewards and Penalties for Faculty Members |
人事室 | 績優人員選拔 | Outstanding Service Award |
人事室 | 研究船人員管理辦法 | Regulations for Managing Research Vessel Personnel |
人事室 | 院教評會 | College Faculty Evaluation Committee |
人事室 | 獎勵新聘特殊優秀人才複核小組 | Task Force for the Secondary Review of Incentives for Newly Hired Exceptional Talent |
人事室 | 科技部補助延攬研究學者暨執行專題研究計畫作業要點 | Directives for MOST-Subsidized Recruitment of Researchers and the Implementation of Research Projects |
人事室 | 分層負責 | principles of delegation of duties |
人事室 | 建教合作計畫人員非自願離職提前終止契約提報單 | Report on the Involuntary Resignation and Early Contract Termination by Sponsored Project Personnel |
人事室 | 會計編號 | accounting code |
人事室 | 動產股 | Movable Property Section |
人事室 | 共教中心 | Center for General Education |
人事室 | 國立臺灣大學客座人員、校務基金專案計畫教學研究人員、外籍兼任教師離職報告單 | Resignation Report Form of Visiting Scholars, or Project-appointed Teaching and Research Personnel |
人事室 | 保險費經費分攤同意書 | Agreement Form for the Sharing of Insurance Premium |
人事室、研發處 | 職員遴用及陞遷辦法 | Regulations Governing Recruitment and Promotion of the Staff |
人事室、國際處 | 人事室 | Personnel Office |
人事室、總務處 | 產學合作 | industry-academia collaboration |
總務處 | 建教合作計畫人員各式證明申請書 | Application for Proof of Participation in Sponsored Projects |